Sunday, February 12, 2012

Once again

So it is time again. The Walking Dead returns tonight and I am stoked. I don't normally go for the whole zombie thing. I mean really, how many different ways can zombies be made and what new can they do? Ummm, not that many and again, not that much. George Romero has made a fortune on undead people eating brains but it is time for a change of pace. The Walking Dead appeals to me because it is not about the zombies. We didn't spend half of the first season watching how the zombie thing happened. It is about the characters, from the reluctant hero to the best friend who left another to die so that he could live.

The Walking Dead appeals because the characters have flaws. That is a rare thing to find in movies and television these days. Humphrey Bogart was a cutthroat PI in the Maltese Falcon and the Big Chill and he had plenty of flaws. Unfortuntely Hollywood expects the leading men and women to be super heroes that everyone likes and always do the right thing. So what would happen if we were all faced with an apocalyptic event like zombies? Would any of us be the people we think we are????

1 comment:

  1. Surprisingly enough, I let my older brother talk me into checking this series out of all people know that zombies scare the begeezus outta me, but I gave it a chance. I definitely took to the plot and character development a lot more than the other movies I've given a chance (28 Days/Weeks Later, Dawn of the Dead, etc.).
    Zombies still freak me out, but The Walking Dead is one of those exceptions I'll make. :)

    As for an apocalyptic event? Hmm, I don't know...I think any stressful situation changes a person and reveals their true character. If it became an "every man for himself" environment, even groups of people who know each other well (or not) and rely on each other for survival at a time would likely splinter into distrusting, self-reliant individuals seeking survival. Sure there is safety in numbers, but with numbers comes more risk.

    All in all, it's pretty scary thinking about the various scenarios. I guess we all just hope things won't get that bad, but it's not outside the realm of possibility.

    P.S. Shane is a creep haha.
